Saturday, March 10, 2012

Winery Visit: King Family Vineyard

After our Pennsylvania brewery adventure, we decided to go see a vineyard or two since after all this is a geography of wine class.  We booked a bed and breakfast/winery tour package in Charlottesville so we could have someone else drive us around after drinking vast quantities of wine.

The most well-documented visit was our first, where we went to King Family in Crozet, VA so that's the one I'll talk about.  King Family is run by a family who came from Texas, so it has a rustic feel that's much less pretentious than other Charlottesville area vineyards.  It also functions as a polo ground and breeds polo ponies in addition to hosting polo matches.  Since we were there on a Tuesday afternoon, there was no polo going on.

Polo fields outside the tasting room
We tasted several different wines which I will talk about in separate wine tasting posts (two assignments in one!).  We also saw their surprisingly small aging room and production line (also surprisingly small).

Wine aging in barrels

This was the entirety of their production.
None of their wines were particularly outstanding.  However they do produce a port-style wine where they age it in Kentucky Bourbon barrels.  It was very good.

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