Saturday, March 10, 2012

Brewery visit: Tröegs Brewing Company

After Yuengling, we drove about an hour west to Hershey to visit Tröegs.  They didn't have any sort of guided tour, just an area you could wander about with your beer and marvel at the giant stainless steel vats of beer.

They do have a gigantic tasting room as soon as you walk in with all their beers on tap straight from the brewery (they don't even get put into kegs, the taps come straight from the giant vats).

Taps in their tasting room, hooked up directly to the brewery
Since I was going to be driving further that night, I could only sample one beer. I chose the Dream Weaver wheat beer, I believe I chose wisely.
While we were at Tröegs, we picked up a sample 6 pack to try once we got home.  Other Tröegs beers I recommend are the Trogenator Double Bock and their scratch Bock beer.

I didn't like the Java Head since I don't like coffee (that one's brewed with coffee beans mixed with the barley and has a strong coffee aftertaste).

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